I See You Lord Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Aiza Seguerra

He who created this gigantic wonder of a universe is present everywhere. He is there in the winds, He is there in the fields. He is with the small chirping birds who spread joy with their twitters, He is in our hearts kindling the goodness in us. You will find Him in the clouds and the stars, and once you feel His comforting presence nothing bad can ever happen to you. So here we present to you the easy Kalimba tabs and chords of I see you Lord. A soothing hymn sung by the phenomenal Aiza Seguerra, this melody is a beauty that will fill your heart with devotion and faith. This holy song croons about the singer’s love for God and how she sees Him everywhere around him. The Kalimba letter and number notes of I see you Lord are very simple and beginner friendly. So you can easily play this song on your Kalimba when you are offering your prayers to the Almighty above.

I See You Lord Kalimba Numbers & Kalimba Tabs

Numbered Notation:
3 4 (135) 1 1° (2°2) 5
2° 3° (3°4) 6 1
1° (2°2) 2° 2° 2° 3° (572°)
1° 7 6 (15) 1 2 3
5 (46) 6 1 7 (461°) 1
7 6 (135) 5 2° (1°1) 3 5
1° (461°3°) 3° 2° 1° (64) 1
(3°5) 2° 2° 1° (2572°) 5 7
3 4 (135) 1 1° (2°2) 5
2° 3° (3°4) 6 1
1° (2°2) 2° 2° 2 3° (572°)
1° 7 6 (15) 1 2 3
5 (46) 6 1 7 (461°) 1
7 6 (135) 5 2° (1°1) 3 5
1° (461°3°) 3° 2° 1° (64)
7 1° (2°2) 5 7
5 1° 2° (3°1) 3
5 (15) 3° 2° 1°
(3°3) 2° 2° 2 5
1° (572°) 2° 2° 2°
6 (25) 2° 5
3° (4°4) 5° (3°1) 3 5
1° 3° 4° (5°3) 5
6° 5° 4° 5° (5°4)
6° (461°)
1° 2° (3°1) 3° 3° 5
3° (3°4) 2° 1° (1°1)
3 5 3 1

I See You Lord Kalimba Letters & Kalimba Chords

Lettered Notation:
E F (CEG) C C° (D°D) G
D° E° (E°F) A C
C° (D°D) D° D° D° E° (GBD°)
C° B A (CG) C D E
G (FA) A C B (FAC°) C
B A (CEG) G D° (C°C) E G
C° (FAC°E°) E° D° C° (AF) C
(E°G) D° D° C° (DGBD°) G B
E F (CEG) C C° (D°D) G
D° E° (E°F) A C
C° (D°D) D° D° D E° (GBD°)
C° B A (CG) C D E
G (FA) A C B (FAC°) C
B A (CEG) G D° (C°C) E G
C° (FAC°E°) E° D° C° (AF)
B C° (D°D) G B
G C° D° (E°C) E
G (CG) E° D° C°
(E°E) D° D° D G
C° (GBD°) D° D° D°
A (DG) D° G
E° (F°F) G° (E°C) E G
C° E° F° (G°E) G
A° G° F° G° (G°F)
A° (FAC°)
C° D° (E°C) E° E° G
E° (E°F) D° C° (C°C)

Song Credits

Artist: Aiza Seguerra
Album: Pagdating Ng Panahon
Released: 2001

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