Beautiful Saviour Kalimba Tabs & Chords – Planetshakers

God works in His own mysterious ways. He is always watching over us, protecting us from evil and all sorts of danger. He is always there for us. All we have to do is surrender ourselves completely to Him and leave everything to Him and He will do wonders for us. That is why we should devotedly worship Him and always hail Him earnestly. So here we present to you the Beautiful Saviour Kalimba tabs and chords. The Kalimba notes of Beautiful Saviour have been penned down here in the number and letter format. Therefore, the beginners and amateurs will not find any difficulty in mastering these simple and easy Kalimba chords. Beautiful Saviour Kalimba notes are quite popular.

Beautiful Saviour Kalimba Tabs & Numbered Notes

Numbered Notation:
(15) 3 5 1 5 6 7 7 (1°63)
3 4 5 5 6 1 1 2 3 2
1 5 (15) 3 1 5 6 7 7 (1°63)
3 4 5 5 6 1 1 2 3 2
5 1° (57) 1° 3 5 1
5 1° (57) 1° 3 5 (46) 1° (572°)
5(1°1) 3 5 2° (135) 5(12°) 3 5 1° 1°
1° 2° 3° (461°3°) 4° 6 1°(2461°3°) 4° (572°)
5 (1°1) 3 5 2° (135) 5 (12°) 3 5 1° 3°
5° 4° 3° (461°)
1° 2° 3° (2461°3°) 4° (572°) 2° 1° 1 3 5 (11°35)

Beautiful Saviour Kalimba Chords & Letter Notes

Lettered Notation:
(CG) E G C G A B B (C°AE)
C G (CG) E C G A B B (C°AE)
G C° (GB) C° E G C
G C° (GB) C° E G (FA) C° (GBD°)
G(C°C) E G D° (CEG) G(CD°) E G C° C°
C° D° E° (FAC°E°) F° A C°(DFAC°E°) F° (GBD°)
G (C°C) E G D° (CEG) G (CD°) E G C° E°
G° F° E° (FAC°)
C° D° E° (DFAC°E°) F° (GBD°) D° C° C E G (CC°EG)

Song Credits

Artist: Planetshakers
Album: Pick It Up
Released: 2006
Genre: Christian/Gospel

Beautiful Saviour by Planetshakers is a beautiful Christian Hymn. This melody has some immensely spiritual lyrics that will fill your heart with an unswerving love for the Great Almighty. This song glorifies Lord Jesus who is our Beautiful Saviour. The song is bound to touch your heart and make you embrace Divinity. The music is very refreshing and soothing. A religious song filled with spirituality, this hymn eulogizes the Loving Shepherd praising Him and showing us the miracles that He has done for us. The song harmonizes well with the pious and the devotional mood.

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